Monday, March 22, 2010


the thing called love is a lie...

the words "i love you" is also a lie

the word FOREVER is a lie...

i cant stand anymore...aku asyik tringtkn dia...even she was hurting me very much in that problems...aku still xley lupe kat dia...OMG...for the first time aku sdih gler2 mcm nie...and aku btol2 syg kat dia...i need her...tuk luahkn segale probs yg skunk sjk perkara tu blaku...aku da takot na luahkn pada dia..bila aku msej die jep rse brdebar2 mcm mle2 aku msej dia dulu...haaaa....

so aku 50-50 tok percaya...aaaarrrghh...

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