Sunday, March 21, 2010

dunt take it much

urm btol kate die...vek xyah pkkn bende nie...let begone be bygone...smmgnye ape yg kite lalui msti ade hikmahnye..maybe by this way it will make us feel better..urm so ape yg aq pkkn sgt baik aq fokus kat trial and SPM...paitik!!!!!!(korea xtaw men bntai) da pk msk2 yg aq na jd engineering o broadcasting bende tah...mak aq ckp...walopon ea low profile tp an...ea boleh bawa byk keuntung..
tgk aznil hj nawawi n ac mizal..x silap...die amek course broadcasting then trus jd kn aq na jd engineering...lao aq better aq na jd doktor mkmal aq xna pkkn na g national university of seoul...huhu bestnye...sne ade course engineering..hehe...
from now on...aku na tunjukkn ug aq nie boleh...yeah fauzi u can do it...

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